JSX element 'h1' has no corresponding closing tag.ts(17008)

JSX element ‘h1’ has no corresponding closing tag.ts(17008)

“element ‘h1’ has no corresponding closing tag.ts”. I have noticed that this is VS Code Editor’s formatter issue. Basically when you save your code, the formatter get confuse between JS & JSX.

Also if you are using “Prettier – Code formatter” VS Code extension, then it might be happening for that reason also. But you still want to use Prettier – Code formatter, then that extension should be the last installed extension in your VS Code editor. You cannot install any other extension after installing that.

Then follow this steps: (If you already have Prettier installed)

  1. Uninstall Prettier.
  2. Restart VS Code.
  3. Install Prettier Again.
  4. Restart VS Code.

Follow those 4 steps and your issue should be solved.

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Question Answered:

  1. JSX element ‘h1’ has no corresponding closing tag.
  2. VsCode (Ctrl + K + D) – JSX element has no correspondig closing tag.
  3. Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for input Reactjs.
  4. React Syntax Error : Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for <img>.
  5. Question : JSX element ‘h1’ has no corresponding closing tag.
  6. MDB React Element has no corresponding closing tag.
  7. JSX element ‘h1’ has no corresponding closing tag.ts(17008).
  8. Jsx Element ‘H1’ Has No Corresponding Closing Tag – ADocLib.
  9. Why does Div not have corresponding JSX closing tag?
  10. JSX has no corresponding closing tag. ts(17014) – STACKOOM.
  11. Syntax error Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for img.
  12. jsx expressions must have one parent element.
  13. JSX closing tag for div.
  14. Got expected corresponding jsx closing tag for section.
  15. Expected JSX closing tag for img.
  16. Corresponding jsx closing tag for p.
  17. Now Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for section.
  18. expected corresponding jsx closing tag for <hr>.
  19. React jsx closing tag for input.
  20. React JSX element T has no corresponding closing tag.
  21. jsx element has no corresponding closing tag typescript.
  22. jsx element ‘div’ has no corresponding closing tag vscode.

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