Welcome To Tech2 etc. Tech2etc is your one-stop destination for enhancing your technical skills. Learn Web Development, Web Design, Python Programming, and more with our comprehensive tutorials and courses. Our platform offers a range of topics, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, React, Node.js, and many others.
The courses are designed for learners of all levels, taught by experienced instructor Md Fahimul Kabir Chowdhury, who is also the Founder and CEO of Tech2 etc. With practical examples and exercises, you’ll be able to enhance your skills and bring your future to the next level. Tech2etc is a non-profit organization, and a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning web development, programming, and other technical skills.”
Tech2 etc is Founded by Md Fahimul Kabir Chowdhury in 2020. He is a content creator, programmer, web developer, problem solver & a great programming teacher. He created a well structured YouTube channel “Tech2 etc“. Currently he is a fulltime 4th year University Student studying Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.
About Our Founder & CEO

Meet Md Fahimul Kabir Chowdhury, the founder and CEO of Tech2etc. A popular online education platform that offers a range of courses and tutorials on web development, programming, and other technical subjects. He is a professional web developer and instructor with over 5 years of experience in the field.
As the head of Tech2etc, Md Fahimul Kabir Chowdhury leads a team of experts in delivering comprehensive and valuable resources for individuals looking to enhance their technical skills. He is dedicated to helping learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced professionals, grow their skills and achieve their goals.
Achievements of Tech2etc
Based on its popularity and reputation among learners and professionals in the field of web development and programming, it is likely that Tech2etc has had a number of achievements and successes.

Some possible achievements of Tech2etc could include:
- Providing high-quality education and training to thousands of learners around the world.
- Offering a wide range of courses and tutorials that cover a wide range of topics and technologies.
- Maintaining a strong reputation among learners and professionals for providing valuable and practical learning resources.
- Building a large and active community of learners and professionals who share their knowledge and experiences through the platform.
- 143,000+ Subscribers on YouTube.
- Around 1,60,000+ students have been taught by Tech2etc.
Overall, it is likely that Tech2etc has had many achievements and successes in the field of online education, and it continues to be a valuable resource for learners and professionals interested in web development and programming.
Check our FAQ’s for more info.
Popular Courses of Tech2etc
1️⃣ WordPress Insider: https://tech2etc.com/wordpress-course
2️⃣ Bootstrap With Projects: https://tech2etc.com/bootstrap
3️⃣ Web Development For Beginners: https://tech2etc.com/webdev
4️⃣ JavaScript With Projects: https://tech2etc.com/javascript
5️⃣ Python With Projects: https://tech2etc.com/python
🎁 Get Certificate: https://courses.tech2etc.com/
Resources From Tech2etc
GitHub: https://github.com/tech2etc
Dev.to: https://dev.to/fahimulkabir
Hashnode: https://fahimulkabir.hashnode.dev/
Morioh: https://morioh.com/@5f9ea0334f1cc62ba2cc9725
Connect with Tech2etc on Social Media
Discord: https://discord.gg/C58ZQAk2DE
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fahimulkabir.chowdhury/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tech2etc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahimulkabirchowdhury/
FB (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/md.fahimkabirhamim
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/Tech2etc
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2424642430907565